Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Solo Show Class Ever!

My friend Peter Michael teaches an awesome class at the People's Improv Theater. He directed my solo show Head Games. Here is the info from Peter himself:

Just wanted to remind y'all that my award-winning FLYING SOLO classes
at the PIT are starting up again in April and are still open for
registration and filling up fast. I'm offering Levels 1 & 2 once
again, and I wanted you to know about them, and ask you to help spread
the word to your intrepid performer pals who are looking to develop
any type of solo material or show.

Here is the link to info about both classes:

Thanks so much. Please feel free to share. Anyone with any questions
can give me a jingle at 917-825-3549

Monday, March 14, 2011

Be a Reader, Designer, Director, Etc.!

Hey Folks! Hope you're all well. I got the following call for help a few days ago. This is a terrific theater company and I totally dig them. Get involved.

Well, it's that time of year again - time to start planning for the Estrogenius 2011 Festival!

We are hoping that everyone who is interested in being part of Estrogenius 2011 can try to make it to our meeting on Sunday, March 27th @ 3pm.

We need directors, designers, assistant producers, readers, technical supervisors, publicity people...pretty much any thing you can think of - we need it!

Hope you can come join us at this meeting! If you can't make it but are still interested, e-mail us at

Again, the meeting is Sunday, March 27th, 3pm, at Manhattan Theatre Source - 177 MacDougal St. between Waverly Pl. and 8th St.

See you there!

Jen Thatcher
Executive Producer - Estrogenius Festival 2011
October 5th - November 5th, 2011