Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Oh, man. I do my best to avoid crazy people. I ditched all my super-crazy friends who thrive on making drama, I avoid crazy-making colleagues as best as I can -- but right now I'm dealing with a crazy that I can't ditch. Yet.

Folks, if someone in your inner circle is always in a tizzy, or having problems getting along with other people or wreaking havoc on a day-to-day basis -- find a way to put them on the road. Steer clear of the crazies, folks. They sap your creativity and eventually pull you into their tornado of selfish nonsense.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm Back

Really. I'm back. Six month break. Happens. There will be lots of postings now that I have my new hand-held "smart" phone. I'm pretty sure I can make content go from the phone to this blog. I'm like a tiger on the loose. Well, a small domestic cat on the loose. A wet domestic cat on the loose. Gonna be crazy town.

Look out, kids.

I'm going to blow your minds.